reiniciar chaman. Un proyecto indigena de ayuda al desarrollo humano de Europa

domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

Mirror Neuron Based Learning Eficiency in three complementary Paedagogical Geometries

Mirror Neuron Based Learning Eficiency in three complementary Paedagogical Geometries.

Mirror Neurons are pure Magics. They produced that your neurons and mine are not more "your" or "mine", but OUR! Because of sharing activities among ourselves.

Mirror Neurons thus imply in "telepathy".

Also they are the "Morphic Resonance" of Rupert Sheldrake.

Mirror Neurons explain learning through imitation. Acroos our senses.

And thus, for our senses and Mirror Neurons in action, our bodies must be openly oriented among themselves.

We chose three different and complementary paedagogical geometries.

Monday: Geometry ONE: Lecture.
The hierarchycal classroom, where students and teacher are in "spatial exclusion". Students in one space, all looking forward, to the place of the teacher, who is making the conventional lecture. At the end several significant points are taken from the lecture by consensus, to be discussed next day in working groups.

Tuesday: Geometry TWO: Working Groups.
Students are organised spatialy in different working groups across the classroom. Students look easily at other students belonging to their own group. Teacher coordinates the different groups visiting them.

Wednesday: Geometry THREE: Assembly.
Students and teacher sit sharing one circle. Students from different groups share publicly their results. All other students may add comentaries or any posible observation.

These three geometries must be considered as complementary. Lectures are important, but if they are the dominant way of teaching, students will be educated with less learning eficiency. Learning eficiency of the lecture increases when the attention of students in their learning process is converted in active participation. And this participation is increasing acording to the opportunities students have to express freely for themselves in the classroom.

The diversity of Geometries, in this model, makes learning process more eficient. Because the students live different paedagogical situations and circumstances, and it will ameliorate the capacities of all students, and all their diverse potentials, acording to The Theory of Multiple Inteligencies.

Certificado de Difamación

Esta búsqueda, realizada ayer con zrw por teléfono, marca el certificado de defunción de la marcha normalizante de la ciencia actual, así como la bifurcación en ciernes.

Se habla tanto del cerebro; Se habla, quizás no tanto, del ecosistema; pero de ambos juntos en conectividad semántica simple, miren lo que nos encontramos: Por un lado resulta desolador de narices, pero por otro se promete prometedora y prometeica cualquier acción encaminada a resolver este divorcio sensorial como afección de la ciencia dominante.

El cerebro (memoria Ram) pensado y escrito con tanta profución como si se tratara de algo autónomo e independiente del ecosistema (y del cuerpo) que "lo dió lugar", deja de tener sentido. Y explica la escasa implicación en la situación ecosistémica actual.

Como la muñequita rusa, se construyen "mundos paralelos" que rara vez se tocan entre sí. El cerebro se aisla dentro de la caja craneal con tanto énfasis que en vez de medir algunos milímetros de grosor, nos encontramos un ostracismo equivalente a un cráneo tan grueso como la muralla rusa.

Otro mundo paralelo es el cuerpo. Dentro del cuerpo una capa bastante invisibilizada son los sentidos y la sensorialidad o sensosfera. En este punto el esquema de "mundos paralelos" estalla en pedazos, pues la organización de lo sensorial está inextricablemente unido y embrollado con el ecosistema en cada uno de los momentos de nuestras vidas.

El ostracismo se realiza aquí, entre otras, a través de la construcción aséptica de "los sentimientos", como un mundo paralelo y nada relacionado con la sensorialidad. Buscar la palabra sentido o sentir en internet, es encontrarse una altísima dominancia de un sentido para la palabra "sentido" que no incluye para nada lo sensorial, sino el significado de palabras, etc...

Sentir, es mucho más usado para "sentimientos" que para nuestra sensorialidad. Indudablemente todos estos sentidos van unidos, aunque sea inconscientemente.

La noosfera tampoco es inclusiva, al tratar de considerar solo el conocimiento, como si este pudiera ser extirpado aséptica.mente de lo sensorial pero no, es otra alucinación del mundo actual: son nuestros sentidos los que en conexión permanente con el ecosistema nos transmiten todo tipo de conocimiento.

La Web

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  1. [PDF]

    Consilience and complexity

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    atom to brain and ecosystem, consistent with reality but requiring far less factual knowledge than would be needed with- out the algorithms. ... - Páginas similares
    de EO Wilson - 1998 - Citado por 2 - Artículos relacionados
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    de John Law, John Hassard - 1999 - Social Science - 256 páginas
    Cyborg figures — such as the end-of-the-millenium-seed, chip, gene, data-base, bob, fetus, race, brain, and ecosystem — are the offspring of implosions of ...
  3. Michael Flower | Technoscientific Politics: Cui Bono? | Theory ...

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    ... race, brain, and ecosystem. Their temporal modality is condensation and fusion; they are the place, placing, and practice of rhizomatic associations. ... - Páginas similares
  4. Theory, Culture & Society

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    seed, database, bomb, race, brain and ecosystem of her later work (1997). ■. Theory, Culture & Society 2006 (SAGE, London, Thousand Oaks and New Delhi), ... - Páginas similares
    de S Franklin - Citado por 3 - Artículos relacionados - Las 5 versiones
  5. Social change - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    de Tim Jordan, Steve Pile - 2003 - Social Science - 360 páginas
    ... fetus, race, brain and ecosystem- are the offspring of implosions of subjects and objects and of the natural and the artificial. ...
  6. Progress in Human Geography

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    qualitatively different materiality character- ized by the 'the end-of-the-millennium seed, chip, gene, database, bomb, foetus, race, brain and ecosystem' ... - Páginas similares
    de K Bakker - 2006 - Citado por 32 - Artículos relacionados - Las 2 versiones
  7. Donna Haraway: Live Theory - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    de Joseph Schneider - 2005 - Philosophy - 190 páginas
    12) identified what she calls 'stemcells of the technoscientific body': 'the seed, chip, gene, database, bomb, fetus, brain, and ecosystem', ...
  8. Systems: new paradigms for the human sciences - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    de Gabriel Altmann, Walter A. Koch - 1998 - Social Science - 781 páginas
    ... we again find the influences of the computer, brain and ecosystem metaphors. We call these influences external organisation metaphor, self-organisation ...
  9. Bodies in technology - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    de Don Ihde - 2001 - Technology & Engineering - 155 páginas
    ... complex unity — "seed, chip, gene, data-base, bomb, fetus, race, brain and ecosystem" united under the coined hybrid term "cyborg" or cyborg figure. ...
  10. Die Inszenierung der Geschlechter in den Naturwissenschaften: ... - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    de Heike Wiesner - 2002 - Science - 337 páginas
    Cyborg figures - such as (he end-of-millennium seed, chip, gene, database, bomb, fetus, race, brain, and ecosystem - are the offspring of implosions of ...

La Web

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  1. De waarde van instituties: essays voor Anton Zijderveld - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    de Anton C. Zijderveld, H. J. van de Braak, A. M ... - 2002 - Organizational sociology - 328 páginas
    biology is a science that traces causation across many levels of organization, from brain and ecosystem down to atom. There is no obvious reason why ...
  2. kons forskning - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    de nina lykke
    ... chip, database, bomb, fetus, race, brain, and ecosystem", 1997: 12) kan låses op analytisk og genealogisk tilbageføres til de dynamiske ...

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ese extraño discurso

Other News:

  • ciencia global: Quizás quiso decir: sym biodiversity

    [ Traducir esta página ]. Well, to short here, I only want add that Symbiodiversity sometimes "strange" discourse is fruit of the evolution accross many diferent texts and authors, . ...

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2009

A indefinition of googlesfera

Googlesfera is a multidimensional interplay among different memes that have "-sphere" as sufix.

Biosphere, Noosphere, Ecosphere, etc... (with time and memory we'll add another terms...)

In other way we have terms interrelated with "global" that makes sense too.

Global ecology, Global education, Global environment, Global change, Global...

Of course we share all systemic and complexity views, ...

(my colleagues are waiting to us to look at our "wednesday cinema": "Emerald Forest" and I prefer to "see" you later..)
(desde cienciaglobal)